Sorry we haven't been posting much, everyone's on holiday right now except me. Awesome, I know. Anyway, I just wanted to get this post done before I leave to go to the south of France after which I go to Scotland for two weeks.
I went to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2, on tuesday and I would like to share my thoughts on it. This post will contain spoilers. If you haven't seen the movie yet and you don't want to know any details, don't read this. Even though you've all read the books so there's no spoiling it, right? Right? Good.
Okay, so I went to the midnight showing of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 on tuesday. It was AWESOME. There were so many people dressed up as characters and wearing wizard robes. It was nerd heaven!
I have to say, i'm less sad about it ending than I thought I would be. I think I really experienced my 'post Harry Potter depression' in 2007 when the last book came out. Even though I love the movies, (I secretly hate them a bit, it's kind of a love hate thing. I can't explain it. So many things are wrong in the films, it irritates me.) I'm not as upset as I was back then. I'm still sad none the less.
Of all the Harry Potter films, I think this was the best one by far. They stayed quite true to the book which I really appreciated but there were things I am super upset about.
I loved the way they fixed the Ron and Hermione kiss, seeing as the reason they kissed in the book would have made no sense in the film. They cleaned that up nicely.
I loved everything that Neville did. Seriously, he was such a boss and really showed his inner Gryffindor and proved the Sorting Hat did not make a mistake. The Gringotts scene was amazing! I loved everything about it.
But I was unhappy about a couple of things, the Harry and Voldemort Stand off for example, IT WASN'T THERE. They were running around Hogwarts having the same epic fight scene they've had in the last couple of films. In the book, when they were circling around each other talking, challenging each other, THAT WAS AMAZING. The suspense was incredible and the whole school was watching in awe. I really missed that in the film, instead they replaced that big ball of awesome with a stupid fight scene in which they jump off a bloody cliff. I could not believe my eyes when I saw that. I was not amused.
They basically left out the whole story about Grindelwald and Dumbledore, hardly even mentioned Ariana and the rest of Dumbledore's past. What's the fucking point of introducing Grindelwald into part one if you're not going to explain any of it.
And I was kind of dissapointed by the lack of deaths we got to see. Not because I enjoy watching people die, but because I think they owed it to the characters. In the book, my favourite character Remus Lupin didn't get a death scene, I was very dissapointed by this and was hoping he would get one in the film. No one really did expect for the Death Eaters and Voldemort. Even when Fred died it was kind of like: You see Harry walk in. Fred is dead. He looks sad for a moment and then continues walking. That was very dissapointing.
I loved the fact that everyone applauded Mrs. Weasley for killing Bellatrix. She deserved it!
And oh my god if Alan Rickman does not get an oscar for his performance then I don't believe in oscars anymore. Because seriously, he was amazing! The way he portrayed Snape has always been great, but he blew my fucking mind with this. I would have liked the prince's tale to be a bit more detailed and longer but I enjoyed it nonetheless because Alan Rickman is such a boss! Honestly, I will gladly bow to him.
The epilogue was quite good! The children hardly said anything but I thought they aged them pretty well. And it was very emotional to see the children going off to Hogwarts. All in all, I enjoyed it. The book is 1000000000000 times better, but how could it ever live up to that?
My childhood is over now. It's time to grow up.
xx Eylinn
ps. I totally forgot to mention Harry walking to his death. TEARS. That is all.