I love to read and so do Eylinn and Hoba. My room is scattered with books and I carry a book with me where ever I go most of the times. I'm not sure though which one is my favorite. I love the Harry Potter-series. I even enjoy reading the Twilight-series. But only when I really miss my boyfriend, otherwise Bella's whining is too much. And, come on, who doesn't have a weak spot for sparkly vampires?

There's book called "Elsewhere". It's not very well-known, but it's awesome. It's about a teenaged girl, Liz, who dies in an accident and ends up in Elsewhere. Elsewhere is the place you go after you die, the afterlife, heaven. Elsewhere is just like Earth, only you get younger instead of ageing. When you turn zero, you are send back to Earth to reincarnate as a baby. She meets her grandmother there, who died when she was really young. She also meets her favorite rockstar, who's apparantly died of an overdose. Liz becomes obsessed with watching her family, friends and the guy who ran over her with his taxi cab through so-called "Observation Decks". She gets really depressed that she will never grow up, get her driver's license, fall in love, get married, etc. I won't tell you what happens in the end because YOU HAVE TO READ IT. Because it's awesome!
I also love the Princess Diaries-series by Meg Cabot. I basically love all books by Meg Cabot. And the The Luxe-series by Anna Godbersen. They are like the Gossip Girl books (also awesome) but then set in the late 19th century. I like bookseries more than just seperate books. I guess, because bookseries are just really thick books. And once I love a book or story, I don't want it to end.
I'm always looking for new books. "Marked" by Kristen and P.C. Cast has been laying on my bookshelf, waiting to be read. Too bad I have to read so many books for school... I hope you love the smell of books as much as I do. Then you must must must read Elsewhere (by Gabrielle Zevin). Oh, and while you're at it, you should really read the Sisterhood Of The Travelling Pants-series as well. Because they are awesome as well.
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