Yes that's right, Che Guevara is mytopic of today. The reason for this is because I had a history project on him... The project itself was a hell load of work, but to actually find out more about Che Guevara was sooo nice! The project was meant to be made in pairs, but as you can predict... my partner didn't do a sh*t. which was very VERY frustrating, so in the end I [Laura] yelled at her. I'm not such a bad person or something like that, i was just pissed off.
Anyways, the reason i wanted to talk about Che Guevara was that... yes actually i sort of fell in Love with his stories..
first of all, he was Argentine and for the people who really truly know me, I have a soft spot for Latinos...
Second of all he was a doctor and helped lots and lots of people. basically he was the good guy, he wanted revolution in Latin American countries because America had to intervene with EVERYTHING ofcourse.
So for this project, i had to read books and had to watch movies. There is this one movie I can recommend you guys, it's called "CHE." The actor Benicio del Toro is a very very good actor, and really gives a good impression of how Che Guevara actually was. The movie made me fall in Love with Che Guevara. I cannot explain why, you have to see the movie to be able to understand.
Look at him being CUTE [i'm bad, i know] |
Che Guevara was a very charismatic man, very kind to people, always helpful and he was a great leader of a guerrilla army in the cuban revolution. Also he was asmatic, so now i will explain what attracts me to him so much [eventhough he is dead, and IF he was alive he would be around 80 now..] He was a very strict and severe leader, not only for his army but also for himself. He was very strong, physically and mentally, but then he had astma so with bad weather conditions he would be very weak. A strong leader figure, with a very weak spot aswell. That just appeals to me. Maybe I'm just weird, what do you think? I think if you really have to research on someone, you get to know him and with Che Guevara this changed my view on lots of things. Not only on America, but also on how Latin America used to be way back then.
Really watch the movie, read his books and you WILL fall in Love with Che Guevara yourself!
Xx Laura
Che Guevara... |
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