zaterdag 11 juni 2011


Do you ever have doubts? Of course you do, you're human. But doubting something is different to not being able to make up your mind. My sister for instance (not the one who didn't want to read the Hunger Games, the other one. I have two sisters. Fun fact about me.) can not make up her mind, she is probably the worst mind-up-maker in the whole world. Mind-up-maker is indeed a word. Fine, it isn't. It should be. Anyway, she takes hours to make up her mind when she's choosing food, fabric, clothes etc. And it seriously gets on my nerves.

But then there's doubt. Which is something completely different. Doubt is when you want to do something, or have something, but think it's a bad idea. For instance, maybe you want to cut your hair, but you think you will look like a lesbian and so you don't. Or you would like to have a pet platypus but think your cat will judge you. So you won't. Or maybe, you want to live in a house made of cranberry's but your mother doesn't like them, so you don't.
All these things are things you want, but because you think it's stupid you will not do them. And your friends can tell you a gazillion times: 'Living in a house made of cranberry's sounds like an excellent idea." But your just won't believe it's true. That is doubt.
 There is no: 'should I?' or 'Should I not?' There is just: 'I'm an idiot. I can't believe I even thought of this.'

The reason I'm even mentioning this is because doubting things annoys me. I have doubts, you have doubts, your cat has doubts and even the hobo on the corner of the street has doubts. Everyone has them and yet they are so irritating.
Why can't we all live in a world where everyone's just like: 'Oh my god. I'm going to live in a house of cranberry's with my cat and my platypus and I will cut my hair super short. This is the best idea, I will not overthink this idea ever. I am super happy with this decision.'
Now that, would be a world I would like to live in.

This picture was just too funny not to use.
The wolf has no doubts. I like him. He knows that if he wants to cut his hair and look like a lesbian, he bloody well can! If he wants to have a platypus, he will! He knows his wolf friends will probably think he's weird and try to eat his platypus, but this wolf, I will refer to him as Lorcan, will have this platypus anyway and protect it from his rude friends.

People should be more like Lorcan. I should be more like Lorcan. Your face should be more like Lorcan. Lorcan is so awesome, that he would ride on Zac Efrons back and they would fight crime. Without doubts.

xx Eylinn

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