Hello Hello,
We be meltin' in da hot summer temps yo! No seriously, it's really hot.
I'm afraid I (Enya) need to take over the activity of typing, because Eylinn is incapable of typing. It took her four turns to write "hot". Usually, she's very smart, as you all know by now, but the hot temperature is affecting her brain cells and causing braindamage. (She choked on water five minutes ago. And she was crying while choking. It was very funny).
from left to right: Laura, Hoba, Enya and Eylinn |
We would like to inform you about our holiday activities, because they might affect our post-rate. I'm going away next monday to New York (WHOOP WHOOP!), Eylinn is going to France and Scotland, Laura will be gone the entiiiiiiirrreee holiday to Colombia (where she's also a little bit from)
We hope to have internetconnection wherever we are, but we are not entirely sure. We hope you'll have an awesome holiday. And don't worry, you won't have to miss us for very long. Please, don't cry yourself to sleep every night (RAJIB!). We'll miss you too.

xoxo Eylinn and Enya
P.S. We're not drunk. When we're together we tend to talk like Gru from Despicable Me. Awesome movie, but we invented the accent. Watch the movie, reread this post in the accent and it will make much more sense. Buh-bye.
P.P.S Where would you like to go?
- New York
- France/Scotland
- Colombia
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