Taken from Grandma's Old Recipebook
Start of with a big cup entitlement. Go through life believing that the world owes you something. Pretend as though you have signed a contract at birth, that secured the responsibility of the world for taking care of your happiness. So, when things don't go the way you want them to, get angry at the world for rudely breaching contract. Claim the world is being unfair and out to get you. Firmly believe in your victimhood, and disregard the fact that the world hasn't promised you shit.
Add a dash of judgement to give the entitlement a bit more jazz. Judge everything and everyone you see. Don't you dare emphatize or put yourself in their shoes. Like you would want to step in those cheap-looking, bad-smelling pieces of trash anyway. You'd probably get five infections from looking at them.
Continue with three spoons of envy. Notice everything others have that you don't. Count them, catogorise them and create a whole list of it. Lose eye for the things you do have, because they're not as shiny and green as on the other side. Put the list on your fridge, on your favourite Edward Cullen poster and tattoo it on your skin. Never forget, or let it out of your sight.
Add some self-absorption to the brew. Disregard everybody else on this planet, and ignore the other planets as well. When it's raining, it's your hair that gets messed up. So can that old lady please stop whining about her pneumonia? When you're mom is making spaghetti the second night in a row, understand that this is probably the most unfair thing in the world. She knows you don't like her meatballs. Ignore the starving people in other parts of the world. At least they don't have to eat meatballs twice in a row.
Sprinkle some resentment on top. Resent everything. Nothing is ever the way you want it to be. Get annoyed by everything, so you'll never feel inner peace. Get annoyed by people's voices, tv commericals, the colour yellow and Josef Stalins mustache. Let these annoyances simmer in the back of your mind at all times. Whenever you feel happy, think about the colour yellow and be reminded that happiness does not exist. See Josef Stalin's mustache everywhere.
Now, add three tea cups of iron-clutched issues. Never let things go Hold on to everything that has ever made you feel down. Always think of the things you should have done. Go through all the possible scenarios and never forgive yourself for making the other, and therefore wrong, choice. Let the what-ifs of life envelop you and swallow you whole. Obsessively overanalyze the time you dropped your lollipop when you were twelve. It taught you how nothing ever lasts.
Tip: If you've had a crappy childhood, this part is really easy. Blame your parents for everything, and be constantly reminded on how crappy they are. Bad day? Because your Mom forgot to buy you strawberry icecream when you were nine. Bad haircut? It's because your father never showed appreciation for your interest in otters. Ripped tights? Your Mom didn't understand your haikus.
Mix all these ingredients down to tasty dough, put it in the oven and late it back. Congratulations, this way you will be miserable in everything you ever do.
zondag 23 oktober 2011
vrijdag 7 oktober 2011
Nietzsche and Rain
One downside, of the very many downsides, of living in Holland, is that the weather has a nasty moodswing problem. This can not be innocent. I sincerely believe there is a diabolical plot in this somewhere, and the weather forecast is secretly conspiring with the weather gods ( which I'm guessing are Zeus and Taylor Swift, who can have it rain whenever she feels something emotional is about to happen) to break everybody's fragile spirits.
This morning, I woke up with the sun streaming through my blinds. Let this be a lesson to you; never trust the morning sun. It's an elaborate lie. You see, as I was glancing out of my windows at this yellow beast, I didn't know the sun was trying to set me up. The morning sun was so brazen, I had even decided against wearing a jacket.
Yes, I'm aware that that's stupid. Unfortunately, this entire week has been filled with stupid decisions as such. Why not go to bed at two am when I have to get up at six? Why not miss the bus in favor of my morning coffee? Why wear a jacket during autumn? Why take notes when I can just stare blankly at the teacher? Why not agree to have coffee with the creepy German guy who has had a past with stalking me? The only thing missing from this list is: why be a civilized member of society when you can also go around stabbing everyone?
Thankfully, I am not that stage. Yet.
The point is, the sun fooled me. I had my mind set on a sunny day, and all I got was rain in return. Yes, I am a fan of metaphors the way thirteen-year-olds are a fan of Justin Bieber. My notebooks are also filled with I <3 Metaphors.
To make it more obvious, there is a metaphor in the weather-line. Sometimes metaphors just aren't enough. And that was a metaphor too. INCEPTION.
There was literal rain too, today. Sometimes the weather is very accomodating towards my life events. But you know those days when anything, anything at all, can make you reach unknown levels of rage. Like, someone has to sneeze in your direction and all your suppressed rage comes boiling out? Today was one of those days. Though, to be fair, there was justified reasoning behind my outburst as well. But it was all so very high school. Typical trash talking reaches its tipping point, and you want to stop the pretense and just be a complete raging bitch in their face intead of behind it. So, I did. I am not known for being nice. In fact, when I stop being my level of nice, and go full-blown bitch, Cruella Deville can take pointers from me. Unfortunately, when the beast is out, it is all out.
I literally couldn't be any meaner, or a bigger cliche today. Example: "See, I'm sitting in front of you. That should make it easier for you to talk behind my back."
Maybe I should work on my people skills.
It is raining all weekend. I have to study for three huge tests. This is just the world conspiring against me. I am sure of it.
And to end this happy blog, I present to you a picture of Nietzsche, who is more depressing to hang out with than I am. And trust me, dear readers, that is a true accomplishment.
“My genius is in my nostrils.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche, Index
This morning, I woke up with the sun streaming through my blinds. Let this be a lesson to you; never trust the morning sun. It's an elaborate lie. You see, as I was glancing out of my windows at this yellow beast, I didn't know the sun was trying to set me up. The morning sun was so brazen, I had even decided against wearing a jacket.
Yes, I'm aware that that's stupid. Unfortunately, this entire week has been filled with stupid decisions as such. Why not go to bed at two am when I have to get up at six? Why not miss the bus in favor of my morning coffee? Why wear a jacket during autumn? Why take notes when I can just stare blankly at the teacher? Why not agree to have coffee with the creepy German guy who has had a past with stalking me? The only thing missing from this list is: why be a civilized member of society when you can also go around stabbing everyone?
Thankfully, I am not that stage. Yet.
The point is, the sun fooled me. I had my mind set on a sunny day, and all I got was rain in return. Yes, I am a fan of metaphors the way thirteen-year-olds are a fan of Justin Bieber. My notebooks are also filled with I <3 Metaphors.
To make it more obvious, there is a metaphor in the weather-line. Sometimes metaphors just aren't enough. And that was a metaphor too. INCEPTION.
There was literal rain too, today. Sometimes the weather is very accomodating towards my life events. But you know those days when anything, anything at all, can make you reach unknown levels of rage. Like, someone has to sneeze in your direction and all your suppressed rage comes boiling out? Today was one of those days. Though, to be fair, there was justified reasoning behind my outburst as well. But it was all so very high school. Typical trash talking reaches its tipping point, and you want to stop the pretense and just be a complete raging bitch in their face intead of behind it. So, I did. I am not known for being nice. In fact, when I stop being my level of nice, and go full-blown bitch, Cruella Deville can take pointers from me. Unfortunately, when the beast is out, it is all out.
I literally couldn't be any meaner, or a bigger cliche today. Example: "See, I'm sitting in front of you. That should make it easier for you to talk behind my back."
Maybe I should work on my people skills.
It is raining all weekend. I have to study for three huge tests. This is just the world conspiring against me. I am sure of it.
And to end this happy blog, I present to you a picture of Nietzsche, who is more depressing to hang out with than I am. And trust me, dear readers, that is a true accomplishment.
Look at that mustache, isn't it marvelous? |
― Friedrich Nietzsche, Index
zondag 18 september 2011
The Awesomeness of Jazz Dance
We are very sorry for being so indifferent and vacant, we haven't written in days! weeks! That's not very awesome of us.
The reason for us being so busy is of course SCHOOL. What else sucks the energy out of your body? What else makes the time fly like a dinosaurbird? What else makes you toil everday, everyevening, everynight? SCHOOL is the one and only answer unfortunately.
Luckily school is not only about hard work, it's also where I have my dearest friends, where I socialise and where I , most of the time, have lots and lots of fun!
But school is not the only activity I (Laura) do, for about three years I had acting lessons (which included dancing and singing too!) I did, gymnastics, hockey, judo and jazzdance. Nowadays I only do Jazzdance. I really enjoy Jazzdance, you know, when I was young (eleven) I tried what it was like and after one year I got 'promoted' to the highest level. The highest level means: sponsored clothing, dancing competitions, training more times a week, teamspirit etc.
I must say I'm very proud, our team is a very close group, we accept each and other and we've also won a couple of prizes. We even got to compete in the championships last year!
Dancing is for me something I can look forward to, and if I'm stressed out because of school or other reasons I can 'Dance it off' so to speak. It always cheers me up!
If you do not have an activity you do next to schoolwork, watching tv, facebook, admiring zac efron, polishing your nails, baking cookies or observing clouds, I recommend you start looking for a nice sport or activity that keeps you busy for some time!
Xx Laura
p.s I wish I was the girl on the picture, but no... i'm not that flexible.
woensdag 31 augustus 2011
Totally forgot to add this to my last post "Puppies, kittens and fat asses". This is one of the funniest things I've seen on youtube. And it cheered me up big time when I watched it (guess what I was feeling shitty. I know it may look like I'm the biggest emo excisting. Although I do wear a lot of black, in a fashionably way of course, I am happy most of the time.). I watched every single video by Jabo0odyDubs after that and I couldn't stop crying of laughter.
I present you the very first video I watched by Jabo0odyDubs, which got my hooked and is great cheer-up material: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOmvdeNa67E
xoxo Enya
I present you the very first video I watched by Jabo0odyDubs, which got my hooked and is great cheer-up material: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOmvdeNa67E
xoxo Enya
Puppies and kittens and fat asses.
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Not funny. |
Anywho, I thought I should post something to show you that we are still alive. Despite having to go to school. So here are some pictures that cheer you up and you mght want to take a look at if you feel like crap:
A kitten and a puppy, because they are adowable. |
A sleeping kitten and a puppy, because they are even more adowable. |
This set of photographs of Tom Felton and Rupert Grint, because the pics are cool and they are HOT. |
And this picture because you don't look like him (HER?) and you are beautiful. |
And finally this picture of Zac Efron to get that horrible image out your brain. Well, that sure cheered me up a bit. I hope it cheered you up as well. And if you weren't feeling like crap before, lucky you. And enjoy! xoxo Enya p.s. We would love to hear something from you guys. So feel free to comment! xo |
maandag 15 augustus 2011
Miss Selena
So I haven't written in quite a while. I went to New York for two weeks with my boo (hihi) in early July. And it was awesome. I had never been to New York before and I've promised myself that I'll go back one day, maybe even to live there for a while. Once I had gotten back home from the Big Apple I had one hell of a jet lag to deal with. Which took me a little more than a week. And right after that I was too depressed that I wasn't in NYC anymore to deal with anything else in my life.
Well, that's not true. Hmm, it's partly true. I'm terrible with school breaks you see. Just terrible. When I have to go to school, I want to do all these other things than going to school but I don't have time to do them because I have to go to school. And when I don't have to go to school, I... well, I don't really do anything. That's probably a thing on my Top Ten Things I Hate About Myself-List. Honestly, I hate it. And I try to change it every time.
I wanted to do so many things this summer. Like painting, biking through the park with just my iPod and my thoughts, reading books for English in advance so I'd have actually read them for a change, cleaning up my room, hanging out with friends and writing for this blog. I cleaned my room, sort of. I'm still half way through the process. I did hang out with friends, once. I started reading To Kill A Mockingbird, I've read exactly 46 pages. And that's basically it. I have no clue how many weeks ago I left New York and what I did during those weeks.
I still have exactly eight days left until school starts. Eight days left to paint, bike, read, clean, hang and write. I do feel ashamed of being able to plan ahead so many things and not doing any of it in the end. But it's not like the weather is great around here. Today was the first day I could wear shorts since I got back from New York!
I hope you all had or are having a great summer break. And although my summer holiday is almost over, doesn't mean the summer's over. Even though I didn't do many of the things I wanted to do the past couple of weeks, doesn't mean I can't do them once school has started.
P.S. "Why" you must be wondering "is this post titled 'Miss Selena'?". Well, I shall put you out of your misery and answer your question. Selena Gomez' latest album "When The Sun Goes Down" has been this summer's soundtrack to me. I thought I didn't have anything better to write about than Selena's dance-pop songs about Justin Bieber's swagger, until I realized how I felt about doing nothing this summer vacay.
Well, that's not true. Hmm, it's partly true. I'm terrible with school breaks you see. Just terrible. When I have to go to school, I want to do all these other things than going to school but I don't have time to do them because I have to go to school. And when I don't have to go to school, I... well, I don't really do anything. That's probably a thing on my Top Ten Things I Hate About Myself-List. Honestly, I hate it. And I try to change it every time.
I wanted to do so many things this summer. Like painting, biking through the park with just my iPod and my thoughts, reading books for English in advance so I'd have actually read them for a change, cleaning up my room, hanging out with friends and writing for this blog. I cleaned my room, sort of. I'm still half way through the process. I did hang out with friends, once. I started reading To Kill A Mockingbird, I've read exactly 46 pages. And that's basically it. I have no clue how many weeks ago I left New York and what I did during those weeks.
I still have exactly eight days left until school starts. Eight days left to paint, bike, read, clean, hang and write. I do feel ashamed of being able to plan ahead so many things and not doing any of it in the end. But it's not like the weather is great around here. Today was the first day I could wear shorts since I got back from New York!
I hope you all had or are having a great summer break. And although my summer holiday is almost over, doesn't mean the summer's over. Even though I didn't do many of the things I wanted to do the past couple of weeks, doesn't mean I can't do them once school has started.
P.S. "Why" you must be wondering "is this post titled 'Miss Selena'?". Well, I shall put you out of your misery and answer your question. Selena Gomez' latest album "When The Sun Goes Down" has been this summer's soundtrack to me. I thought I didn't have anything better to write about than Selena's dance-pop songs about Justin Bieber's swagger, until I realized how I felt about doing nothing this summer vacay.
donderdag 14 juli 2011
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2
Sorry we haven't been posting much, everyone's on holiday right now except me. Awesome, I know. Anyway, I just wanted to get this post done before I leave to go to the south of France after which I go to Scotland for two weeks.
I went to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2, on tuesday and I would like to share my thoughts on it. This post will contain spoilers. If you haven't seen the movie yet and you don't want to know any details, don't read this. Even though you've all read the books so there's no spoiling it, right? Right? Good.
Okay, so I went to the midnight showing of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 on tuesday. It was AWESOME. There were so many people dressed up as characters and wearing wizard robes. It was nerd heaven!
I have to say, i'm less sad about it ending than I thought I would be. I think I really experienced my 'post Harry Potter depression' in 2007 when the last book came out. Even though I love the movies, (I secretly hate them a bit, it's kind of a love hate thing. I can't explain it. So many things are wrong in the films, it irritates me.) I'm not as upset as I was back then. I'm still sad none the less.
Of all the Harry Potter films, I think this was the best one by far. They stayed quite true to the book which I really appreciated but there were things I am super upset about.
I loved the way they fixed the Ron and Hermione kiss, seeing as the reason they kissed in the book would have made no sense in the film. They cleaned that up nicely.
I loved everything that Neville did. Seriously, he was such a boss and really showed his inner Gryffindor and proved the Sorting Hat did not make a mistake. The Gringotts scene was amazing! I loved everything about it.
But I was unhappy about a couple of things, the Harry and Voldemort Stand off for example, IT WASN'T THERE. They were running around Hogwarts having the same epic fight scene they've had in the last couple of films. In the book, when they were circling around each other talking, challenging each other, THAT WAS AMAZING. The suspense was incredible and the whole school was watching in awe. I really missed that in the film, instead they replaced that big ball of awesome with a stupid fight scene in which they jump off a bloody cliff. I could not believe my eyes when I saw that. I was not amused.
They basically left out the whole story about Grindelwald and Dumbledore, hardly even mentioned Ariana and the rest of Dumbledore's past. What's the fucking point of introducing Grindelwald into part one if you're not going to explain any of it.
And I was kind of dissapointed by the lack of deaths we got to see. Not because I enjoy watching people die, but because I think they owed it to the characters. In the book, my favourite character Remus Lupin didn't get a death scene, I was very dissapointed by this and was hoping he would get one in the film. No one really did expect for the Death Eaters and Voldemort. Even when Fred died it was kind of like: You see Harry walk in. Fred is dead. He looks sad for a moment and then continues walking. That was very dissapointing.
I loved the fact that everyone applauded Mrs. Weasley for killing Bellatrix. She deserved it!
And oh my god if Alan Rickman does not get an oscar for his performance then I don't believe in oscars anymore. Because seriously, he was amazing! The way he portrayed Snape has always been great, but he blew my fucking mind with this. I would have liked the prince's tale to be a bit more detailed and longer but I enjoyed it nonetheless because Alan Rickman is such a boss! Honestly, I will gladly bow to him.
The epilogue was quite good! The children hardly said anything but I thought they aged them pretty well. And it was very emotional to see the children going off to Hogwarts. All in all, I enjoyed it. The book is 1000000000000 times better, but how could it ever live up to that?
My childhood is over now. It's time to grow up.
xx Eylinn
ps. I totally forgot to mention Harry walking to his death. TEARS. That is all.
Sorry we haven't been posting much, everyone's on holiday right now except me. Awesome, I know. Anyway, I just wanted to get this post done before I leave to go to the south of France after which I go to Scotland for two weeks.
I went to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2, on tuesday and I would like to share my thoughts on it. This post will contain spoilers. If you haven't seen the movie yet and you don't want to know any details, don't read this. Even though you've all read the books so there's no spoiling it, right? Right? Good.
Okay, so I went to the midnight showing of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 on tuesday. It was AWESOME. There were so many people dressed up as characters and wearing wizard robes. It was nerd heaven!
I have to say, i'm less sad about it ending than I thought I would be. I think I really experienced my 'post Harry Potter depression' in 2007 when the last book came out. Even though I love the movies, (I secretly hate them a bit, it's kind of a love hate thing. I can't explain it. So many things are wrong in the films, it irritates me.) I'm not as upset as I was back then. I'm still sad none the less.
Of all the Harry Potter films, I think this was the best one by far. They stayed quite true to the book which I really appreciated but there were things I am super upset about.
I loved the way they fixed the Ron and Hermione kiss, seeing as the reason they kissed in the book would have made no sense in the film. They cleaned that up nicely.
I loved everything that Neville did. Seriously, he was such a boss and really showed his inner Gryffindor and proved the Sorting Hat did not make a mistake. The Gringotts scene was amazing! I loved everything about it.
But I was unhappy about a couple of things, the Harry and Voldemort Stand off for example, IT WASN'T THERE. They were running around Hogwarts having the same epic fight scene they've had in the last couple of films. In the book, when they were circling around each other talking, challenging each other, THAT WAS AMAZING. The suspense was incredible and the whole school was watching in awe. I really missed that in the film, instead they replaced that big ball of awesome with a stupid fight scene in which they jump off a bloody cliff. I could not believe my eyes when I saw that. I was not amused.
They basically left out the whole story about Grindelwald and Dumbledore, hardly even mentioned Ariana and the rest of Dumbledore's past. What's the fucking point of introducing Grindelwald into part one if you're not going to explain any of it.
And I was kind of dissapointed by the lack of deaths we got to see. Not because I enjoy watching people die, but because I think they owed it to the characters. In the book, my favourite character Remus Lupin didn't get a death scene, I was very dissapointed by this and was hoping he would get one in the film. No one really did expect for the Death Eaters and Voldemort. Even when Fred died it was kind of like: You see Harry walk in. Fred is dead. He looks sad for a moment and then continues walking. That was very dissapointing.
I loved the fact that everyone applauded Mrs. Weasley for killing Bellatrix. She deserved it!
And oh my god if Alan Rickman does not get an oscar for his performance then I don't believe in oscars anymore. Because seriously, he was amazing! The way he portrayed Snape has always been great, but he blew my fucking mind with this. I would have liked the prince's tale to be a bit more detailed and longer but I enjoyed it nonetheless because Alan Rickman is such a boss! Honestly, I will gladly bow to him.
The epilogue was quite good! The children hardly said anything but I thought they aged them pretty well. And it was very emotional to see the children going off to Hogwarts. All in all, I enjoyed it. The book is 1000000000000 times better, but how could it ever live up to that?
My childhood is over now. It's time to grow up.
xx Eylinn
ps. I totally forgot to mention Harry walking to his death. TEARS. That is all.
donderdag 30 juni 2011
How to Awesome-ize your nails
Sometimes when you feel like: "ugh, I don't want to do anything. I just want to lay in my bed/sofa/washing-machine." I always, well not always but a lot of the times, grab all my nail polish stuff and sit down for about an hour. This is the way I can entertain myself, without thinking about school or other things that might stress me out. I just set my mind on blanc, and paint my nails.
The thing is that I usually don't paint my nails one colour, I always try to make it into a creative little art piece. I started doing that a looong time ago, just for fun, but now I feel like I need to outreach the last time and make it look even nicer this time.
At this moment my nails are light blue, with a sort of purple coating with glitters[I Love glitters!] which makes the light blue, dark blue. So you can easily mix up lots of colours together without destroying your nail polish!
Now i will give you simple tips how to do it yourself!
- If you have a left-over eyeliner brush, use it! it is very very useful, because it is usually a smaller brush than the actual nailpolish brush. Now you can make tiny stripes on your nails, ISN'T THIS FUN!
- Try to keep you nailpolish at a dark and cold spot. This sounds weird of course, I know I didn't believe it in the first place, but it seems that in summer nailpolish gets all sticky, so coldness is better for nailpolish to keep it smooth! [SILKY-smooth!]
- The more nailpolish, the more FUN!
Useful Patterns:
- horizontal stripes [Think: every stripe a different colour!]
- vertical stripes
- diagonal stripes
- tiny hearts [this is harder than you might think! Only now you realise that your hand shakes just a tiiiny little bit!]
- polkadots
- the pattern you usually make on a apple pie, i don't know what it's called.
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This is sort of the pattern I mean, apple-pie-pattern! |
So that is basically the easy, basic stuff you can make up yourself right?
Then there's this 'nail stamp' which looks like this:
So the round metal thing has patterns in it, you apply the nail polish and scrape it off with the scraper and then VERY QUICK [ so the nail polish doesn't dry'] you stamp the pink stamp on the nail polish, and then onto your nail. Make sure though, that you have a base layer before applying the stamp onto your nail! It's very fun, because if you do it right, it looks kinda proffesional! But trust me, it didn't work out for me until 3 tries! so don't think you're a loser and can't coop with the nail stamp, it needs time!
If you think I really really missed out on some cool tips, or advices please comment! [I appreciate feedback, AND I would also like to improve my nailpolishing skills!]
Xx Laura
woensdag 29 juni 2011
You may have noticed that I posted three of my older blogs in the span of two minutes. In the future, when there's a movie made about us like that Facebook one, the reason for this mysterious and puzzling event will be thoroughly and dramatically explained and exaggerated. Because we don't want to spoil the movie, we can't give away the reason just yet, so you will have to watch the movie "The Blog" (2020) to discover my particular reasons and all the behind-the-scenes-drama.
To apologize for all the confusion, a picture of Zac Efron:
To apologize for all the confusion, a picture of Zac Efron:
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In the movie, Zac will play my boyfriend. His character is called "Zac Efron" |
Dorothy Parker is Awesome
It's Monday, and as you all know, my day is supposed to be Friday (don't worry, I'm sharing it with Rebecca Black) Only, because I have this phobia for planning, deadlines and anything that has to do with time management, I'm doing it today.
I know we're supposed to introduce ourselves on our first blog post, but I won't torture you (You is a hypothetical term. I don't know who "you" are, probably Enya or Eylinn or the voices in my head, maybe even some nameless stranger who found this website on internet. Hi nameless stranger!) with the boring details of my equally boring life. Let me introduce you to somebody awesome instead.
This is Dorothy Parker. She was born in 1893 and died in June 7, 1967. She was a writer, poet, feminist and basically fabulous woman. She was also badass, she had affaires with married writers like that dude who wrote The Great Gatsby, and she stood up for the rights of coloured people. And she was such a bitch, a quote: "If you have nothing nice to say, come sit by me."
"It serves me right for putting all my eggs in one bastard." (hihi)
Someone told Dorothy that Clair Boothe Luce was even kind to her inferiors; Parker replied "Where does she find them?" (hihi)
"His ignorance was an Empire State Building of ignorance. You had to admire it for its size."
She also had a bob, which was the flapper-style haircut of the roaring twenties, which makes me love her even more. I think she lived in a pretty cool time, just when the world was about to get away from the dated Victorian ideals, when Sinatra and Ella Fitzgerald were alive and there were smoky jazzbars and flappers and those black-and-white movies I love.
When she was being interrogated by the FBI (because homegirl was apparantly supporting communism. Some people have cocaine addictions, and Dorothy had supporting communism as a flaw.)she said:
Listen, I can't even get my dog to stay down. Do I look like someone who could overthrow the government?
Dororthy was even pro-gay, in the fucking twenties: "Heterosexuality is not normal, it's just common."
And I will end this blog with a few wise words of Dorothy:
"Razors pain you;
Rivers are damp;
Acids stain you;
And drugs cause cramp.
Guns aren’t lawful;
Nooses give;
Gas smells awful;
You might as well live."
Oh, life is a glorious cycle of song,
A medley of extemporanea;
And love is a thing that can never go wrong;
And I am Marie of Roumania.
The Mean Reds
The Mean Reds. Holly Golightly introduced me to that term during Breakfast at Tiffany’s. The first thing you should know is that Breakfast at Tiffany’s is to me, what Star Wars or Star Trek or Harry Potter and even Twilight is to others. It’s more than a movie, it’s like this entire philosophy (Except that Audrey and Gregory Peck are both “entertainers” in the movie – that’s a philosophy I am not recommending)
Holly Golightly: You know those days when you get the mean reds?
Paul Varjak: The mean reds, you mean like the blues?
Holly Golightly: No. The blues are because you’re getting fat and maybe it’s been raining too long, you’re just sad that’s all. The mean reds are horrible. Suddenly you’re afraid and you don’t know what you’re afraid of. Do you ever get that feeling?
And ladies and gentlemen, as you might have suspected, today I had that feeling.
Normally, I wouldn't be surprised. It's Monday and something in the law has specified Mondays to always suck. But today, P.E. was canceled, the sun was shining, I was chilling with my homegirls most of the time and I barely had any class. I even got a kick-ass math grade. These are characteristics of a Good Day, not of a Mean Reds Day
And yet, I felt off. I was sitting in the bus, across from Girl With The Wannabe Gangster Gucci Shoes, and I was contemplating the sad state of the world. There was something wrong but I couldn’t put my finger on it.(I didn't know what was wrong with me, I knew what was wrong with the girl – her sense of fashion, for starters.) The sun pissed me off, it was too bright. The old lady next to me pissed me off, couldn't she walk a little faster? The man who was on a bike, outside the bus, made me want to tear out my hair - it should be illegal to own purple jeans, sir. And children were dying in Africa.The world SUCKED. I was angry at the world and all its inhabitants. Even puppies. Especially puppies. So, the Mean Reds? They were about as mean as a Chinese dictator.
This is a Chinese Dictator |
Getting the Mean Reds is tough, but getting rid of it is even worse. Holly Golightly was cured the moment she walked into the High-End jewellery boutique Tiffany's, but I prefer to do it my way (also, I don't have a Tiffany's like hers where I live. Here, the only Tiffany's we've got are girls like this:
They're probably all called Tiffany. Or Shaniqua. Or ShaNayNay |
The way I got rid of the Mean Reds was through a few of my favourite things. (No not snow on eyelashes and stupid mittens and something with kittens)
Watch Breakfast At Tiffany's |
Listening to Continuum
Winningateverything.com |
Lamebook |
Taken from Grandma’s old-fashioned recipes
First, start with the base. Have something in your life that you just can’t quit. It’s bad for you, it’s impacting your life in a negative way and you know you need to get rid of it. This can be anything - beavers, chocolate cake, crushes, Twitter or orange juice. The important thing is that you crave it. Obsessively.
Then sprinkle 4 tea spoons of I Hate Myself on it. You wake up every morning, cursing yourself for your craving, your addiction. You can’t look in the mirror without wanting to write angsty poetry about your weakness. Your soul has been crippled by your lack of self-discipline and gluttony.
Then, add a scoop of denial. It’s not that bad. You’re okay! So what if you punched a baby in the face because it was sitting between you and the chocolate cake? That baby should have moved. Twitter is a part of you, it’s your window to the world, if you stop tweeting, how will your 32 followers know what you ate for breakfast? And come on, not visiting your sick grandmother in the hospital because you were watching beavers on discovery channel is not a crime. It is, in fact, perfectly understandable and everybody would have done the same thing in your position. Besides, sitting in the bushes behind the bedroom of The Object of Your Affection is not stalking, unless you have two restraining orders.
Add 10 buckets of determination. Ask yourself where the power went, when did you stop being able to say no to yourself, where did you lose that self-control, that self-discipline? When did beaversaremyhomeboys.com become your homepage? Listen to Nicki Minaj (I recommend the song 'did it on em' - a quote: If I had a dick, I would pull it out and piss on em) , Glee soundtrack (Don't stop believing! Hold on to that feeeeeling!) and any other song that is saying “I’m a fierce independent individual and I don’t need you, bitch!” If necessary, write that line down on a post-it, your wall or your face.
Nicki Minaj would break the bad habit. And then break its face. |
Add 3 Spoons of power, chopped fine. You are in charge. You are number uno in your life. Nothing can control you. Delete Twitter. Stop checking your phone obsessively for new text messages. Beavers are not that cool.
dinsdag 28 juni 2011
Message from E and E
Hello Hello,
We be meltin' in da hot summer temps yo! No seriously, it's really hot.
I'm afraid I (Enya) need to take over the activity of typing, because Eylinn is incapable of typing. It took her four turns to write "hot". Usually, she's very smart, as you all know by now, but the hot temperature is affecting her brain cells and causing braindamage. (She choked on water five minutes ago. And she was crying while choking. It was very funny).
from left to right: Laura, Hoba, Enya and Eylinn |
We would like to inform you about our holiday activities, because they might affect our post-rate. I'm going away next monday to New York (WHOOP WHOOP!), Eylinn is going to France and Scotland, Laura will be gone the entiiiiiiirrreee holiday to Colombia (where she's also a little bit from)
We hope to have internetconnection wherever we are, but we are not entirely sure. We hope you'll have an awesome holiday. And don't worry, you won't have to miss us for very long. Please, don't cry yourself to sleep every night (RAJIB!). We'll miss you too.

xoxo Eylinn and Enya
P.S. We're not drunk. When we're together we tend to talk like Gru from Despicable Me. Awesome movie, but we invented the accent. Watch the movie, reread this post in the accent and it will make much more sense. Buh-bye.
P.P.S Where would you like to go?
- New York
- France/Scotland
- Colombia
donderdag 23 juni 2011
Today has been a weird day. And not in a good way.
Today should have been pretty awesome, due to the fact that it's the first (unofficial) day of the summervaycay. But it wasn't and that kind of sucks. I had to go to school to hand in my books, that wasn't so bad. And the rest of the day I was able to fill in with whatever I wanted. And that right there became a problem.
You see, I couldn't do anything for more than 30 minutes. I tried to watch television, but there wasn't any good on, which is normal as it was 11 am on a normal workday. Then I went running in the park with my mom. Which is basically the only useful day I did today.
Those two things, and bringing my books to school, are the only things I can remember of doing today. I guess for the other, say, 15 hours I've been either sleeping or staring into blank space. Which is kind of sad. I hope I won't spend the rest of the holidays like that. That would suck. BIG TIME.
Anyway, to cheer myself up, and also you (I'm sure you need it after all my emo-ness); have you seen the latest episode of Pretty Little Liars? I liked it, but I'm disappointed in the lack of progress in the plot. The only thing that happened (or the only thing I remember happening) is that Ian attacked Aria. I still love the show though. I started watching it online three weeks ago, and I'm all up-to-date right now. I should be given an award for that accomplishment really, because I've been super busy with Cultural Evenings and testweeks.
But right now, my agenda is (almost) blank for the next two months. I'm going to New York next week and I'm really excited about that and I'm planning to read at least 20 books by the time school starts. Next year I'm in senior year, so that's kind of scary. Many people tell me senior year is easier and less busy than this year, but still - it's senior year. So I don't know what to expect. Maybe that's why I've been feeling "blah" all day, because I'm a little scared of what's coming.
But that's okay, because here's a picture of Zac Efron!
Today should have been pretty awesome, due to the fact that it's the first (unofficial) day of the summervaycay. But it wasn't and that kind of sucks. I had to go to school to hand in my books, that wasn't so bad. And the rest of the day I was able to fill in with whatever I wanted. And that right there became a problem.
You see, I couldn't do anything for more than 30 minutes. I tried to watch television, but there wasn't any good on, which is normal as it was 11 am on a normal workday. Then I went running in the park with my mom. Which is basically the only useful day I did today.
Those two things, and bringing my books to school, are the only things I can remember of doing today. I guess for the other, say, 15 hours I've been either sleeping or staring into blank space. Which is kind of sad. I hope I won't spend the rest of the holidays like that. That would suck. BIG TIME.
Anyway, to cheer myself up, and also you (I'm sure you need it after all my emo-ness); have you seen the latest episode of Pretty Little Liars? I liked it, but I'm disappointed in the lack of progress in the plot. The only thing that happened (or the only thing I remember happening) is that Ian attacked Aria. I still love the show though. I started watching it online three weeks ago, and I'm all up-to-date right now. I should be given an award for that accomplishment really, because I've been super busy with Cultural Evenings and testweeks.
But right now, my agenda is (almost) blank for the next two months. I'm going to New York next week and I'm really excited about that and I'm planning to read at least 20 books by the time school starts. Next year I'm in senior year, so that's kind of scary. Many people tell me senior year is easier and less busy than this year, but still - it's senior year. So I don't know what to expect. Maybe that's why I've been feeling "blah" all day, because I'm a little scared of what's coming.
But that's okay, because here's a picture of Zac Efron!
zaterdag 11 juni 2011
Do you ever have doubts? Of course you do, you're human. But doubting something is different to not being able to make up your mind. My sister for instance (not the one who didn't want to read the Hunger Games, the other one. I have two sisters. Fun fact about me.) can not make up her mind, she is probably the worst mind-up-maker in the whole world. Mind-up-maker is indeed a word. Fine, it isn't. It should be. Anyway, she takes hours to make up her mind when she's choosing food, fabric, clothes etc. And it seriously gets on my nerves.
But then there's doubt. Which is something completely different. Doubt is when you want to do something, or have something, but think it's a bad idea. For instance, maybe you want to cut your hair, but you think you will look like a lesbian and so you don't. Or you would like to have a pet platypus but think your cat will judge you. So you won't. Or maybe, you want to live in a house made of cranberry's but your mother doesn't like them, so you don't.
All these things are things you want, but because you think it's stupid you will not do them. And your friends can tell you a gazillion times: 'Living in a house made of cranberry's sounds like an excellent idea." But your just won't believe it's true. That is doubt.
There is no: 'should I?' or 'Should I not?' There is just: 'I'm an idiot. I can't believe I even thought of this.'
The reason I'm even mentioning this is because doubting things annoys me. I have doubts, you have doubts, your cat has doubts and even the hobo on the corner of the street has doubts. Everyone has them and yet they are so irritating.
Why can't we all live in a world where everyone's just like: 'Oh my god. I'm going to live in a house of cranberry's with my cat and my platypus and I will cut my hair super short. This is the best idea, I will not overthink this idea ever. I am super happy with this decision.'
Now that, would be a world I would like to live in.
The wolf has no doubts. I like him. He knows that if he wants to cut his hair and look like a lesbian, he bloody well can! If he wants to have a platypus, he will! He knows his wolf friends will probably think he's weird and try to eat his platypus, but this wolf, I will refer to him as Lorcan, will have this platypus anyway and protect it from his rude friends.
People should be more like Lorcan. I should be more like Lorcan. Your face should be more like Lorcan. Lorcan is so awesome, that he would ride on Zac Efrons back and they would fight crime. Without doubts.
xx Eylinn
But then there's doubt. Which is something completely different. Doubt is when you want to do something, or have something, but think it's a bad idea. For instance, maybe you want to cut your hair, but you think you will look like a lesbian and so you don't. Or you would like to have a pet platypus but think your cat will judge you. So you won't. Or maybe, you want to live in a house made of cranberry's but your mother doesn't like them, so you don't.
All these things are things you want, but because you think it's stupid you will not do them. And your friends can tell you a gazillion times: 'Living in a house made of cranberry's sounds like an excellent idea." But your just won't believe it's true. That is doubt.
There is no: 'should I?' or 'Should I not?' There is just: 'I'm an idiot. I can't believe I even thought of this.'
The reason I'm even mentioning this is because doubting things annoys me. I have doubts, you have doubts, your cat has doubts and even the hobo on the corner of the street has doubts. Everyone has them and yet they are so irritating.
Why can't we all live in a world where everyone's just like: 'Oh my god. I'm going to live in a house of cranberry's with my cat and my platypus and I will cut my hair super short. This is the best idea, I will not overthink this idea ever. I am super happy with this decision.'
Now that, would be a world I would like to live in.
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This picture was just too funny not to use. |
People should be more like Lorcan. I should be more like Lorcan. Your face should be more like Lorcan. Lorcan is so awesome, that he would ride on Zac Efrons back and they would fight crime. Without doubts.
xx Eylinn
donderdag 2 juni 2011
Che Guevara
Yes that's right, Che Guevara is mytopic of today. The reason for this is because I had a history project on him... The project itself was a hell load of work, but to actually find out more about Che Guevara was sooo nice! The project was meant to be made in pairs, but as you can predict... my partner didn't do a sh*t. which was very VERY frustrating, so in the end I [Laura] yelled at her. I'm not such a bad person or something like that, i was just pissed off.
Anyways, the reason i wanted to talk about Che Guevara was that... yes actually i sort of fell in Love with his stories..
first of all, he was Argentine and for the people who really truly know me, I have a soft spot for Latinos...
Second of all he was a doctor and helped lots and lots of people. basically he was the good guy, he wanted revolution in Latin American countries because America had to intervene with EVERYTHING ofcourse.
So for this project, i had to read books and had to watch movies. There is this one movie I can recommend you guys, it's called "CHE." The actor Benicio del Toro is a very very good actor, and really gives a good impression of how Che Guevara actually was. The movie made me fall in Love with Che Guevara. I cannot explain why, you have to see the movie to be able to understand.
Che Guevara was a very charismatic man, very kind to people, always helpful and he was a great leader of a guerrilla army in the cuban revolution. Also he was asmatic, so now i will explain what attracts me to him so much [eventhough he is dead, and IF he was alive he would be around 80 now..] He was a very strict and severe leader, not only for his army but also for himself. He was very strong, physically and mentally, but then he had astma so with bad weather conditions he would be very weak. A strong leader figure, with a very weak spot aswell. That just appeals to me. Maybe I'm just weird, what do you think? I think if you really have to research on someone, you get to know him and with Che Guevara this changed my view on lots of things. Not only on America, but also on how Latin America used to be way back then.
Really watch the movie, read his books and you WILL fall in Love with Che Guevara yourself!
Xx Laura
Anyways, the reason i wanted to talk about Che Guevara was that... yes actually i sort of fell in Love with his stories..
first of all, he was Argentine and for the people who really truly know me, I have a soft spot for Latinos...
Second of all he was a doctor and helped lots and lots of people. basically he was the good guy, he wanted revolution in Latin American countries because America had to intervene with EVERYTHING ofcourse.
So for this project, i had to read books and had to watch movies. There is this one movie I can recommend you guys, it's called "CHE." The actor Benicio del Toro is a very very good actor, and really gives a good impression of how Che Guevara actually was. The movie made me fall in Love with Che Guevara. I cannot explain why, you have to see the movie to be able to understand.
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Look at him being CUTE [i'm bad, i know] |
Really watch the movie, read his books and you WILL fall in Love with Che Guevara yourself!
Xx Laura
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Che Guevara... |
A Series Of Awesome Pizzas
We are lousy bloggers, aren't we? I mean, our posts are awesome, we are awesome, but we haven't blogged in two weeks! Even the awesome aren't perfect.
Here's a picture of a shirtless Zac Efron. Will you please forgive us? |
Too bad our next post will probably somewhere in august, because right after this long weekend the busy-plane takes off again. This time though, something fun will eat every single crumble of our time laying outside in the sun. Next week, we, Soldiers of Awesome, will be performing in our schoolplay three nights in a row. We've been working this entire year for this performance and we couldn't be more excited that we're so close to the "Cultural Evenings". (Although the Cultural Evenings are really awesome, the name is kind of lame...) I would tell you to come and see us, but unfortunately you don't know where we are, because we are so mysterious and awesome.
Our loyal readers know that we are performing "Lemony Snicket's A Series Of Unfortunate Events". I'm playing Violet, Hoba's Aunt Josephine and Eylinn is portraying Lemony Snicket. Yes, that's right, Lemony Snicket has had a gender-transformation. Anyway, we're so excited and I basically can't talk about anything else.
Except about pizza maybe. Did you know that 350 slices of pizza are eaten each second in America alone? And that the first pizzas were just dough and tomato sauce?
Let me tell you about the best pizza I've ever had. It was in Italy (of course), in Florence actually, two years ago. Italy is probably one of my favorite countries, I absolutely love every single holiday I've spend there. The best pizza I've ever had didn't have tomato sauce on it. It had the thinnest crust, mozzarella cheese, and thin slices of roast vegetables. Not only did it look pretty (it really did!), but it tasted amazing as well.
Earlier this year, I went to Rome for the first time. I had my second-best and third-best pizza there within a week. I won't bore you with descriptions of these pizzas from heaven, but I must tell you that if you love pizza, you have to go to Italy sometime. Trust me, you haven't taste a real pizza until you've had one in Italy. Except if you go to Domino's there maybe.
I obviously love pizza. And I'm so lucky that we're going to have pizza with the entire theater-group tomorrow. YAY! AWESOME STUFF!
xoxo ENYA
maandag 16 mei 2011
dinsdag 10 mei 2011
Uganda's Anti-Homosexuality bill
It's Tuesday I have a very important biology test tomorrow, but I can't get myself to study. So, I've decided to procrastinate some more by writing a blog! Raise your glass to procrastination! Huzzah!
Today I want to discuss a very serious topic. You may have heard that in Uganda the government may be enforcing a Anti-homoxuality bill. I can not believe this might actually be happening. Even though Uganda is a less economically developed country, never would I have imagined that something like this would happen.
Not being allowed to marry is one thing, but an Anti-homosexuality bill is complete insanity.
Before I continue my rant on how awful it is, and why it's the most insane thing i've ever heard, I'll quickly explain what it is.
When enforced, this law will state that any homosexual who has been proven to be HIV-positive, are previous convicts or have been envolved in same-sex acts with under 18 year olds will be sentenced to death. Now, tell me, is that not the most insane thing you've ever heard?
A death penalty for homosexuals, this is complete madness! We (Enya, Hoba and I) are from a country where on the whole, homosexuals are accepted. Of course there are homophobics here, those people are to be found everywhere. But they have all the same rights here as straight couples do.
I am a straight female, but I believe in human rights and I think that it doesn't matter if you're gay, straight, bi, a mermaid or a marsian. Everyone is a human being and everyone should be treated equally.
And my biggest issue with anti-gay social/political/religious things are: If you don't like gays, don't hang out with them. You don't have to be gay yourself. Just don't get up in their business. They're not going to come looking for you, they mean you no harm. And if you do have a problem with people being gay, keep it to yourself. No one wants to hear it. It's a offensive and discriminating.
The argument i've heard a couple of times now is: "God didn't intend people to be gay." How do you know that? If you believe in God, that's fine. It's good to believe in something, whatever that may be. But if you strongly believe that everything is according to Gods will, then there would be no homosexuals. So your argument is invalid.
Like I said, being homophobic is one thing. But enforcing a death penalty is very, very extreme.
And yes, there are people who have sex with people who are underaged. This could either be by force or because that person is willing, either way it isn't any different than when a straight person does so.
Just because they are gay, which is clearly frowned upon in many countries, these people could be sentenced to death! And I know this country is less developed, but we live in the 21st century, even if you don't agree with homosexuality, for whatever reason, you have to agree that what may be about to happen is monstrous.
Anyway, you can sign petitions to stop this. Please do, it will only take a couple of seconds and you can save peoples lives!
So that was that. Thank you for reading, and I know this was a very serious topic but you know, sometimes you need to blow off some steam.
xx Eylinn
It's Tuesday I have a very important biology test tomorrow, but I can't get myself to study. So, I've decided to procrastinate some more by writing a blog! Raise your glass to procrastination! Huzzah!
Today I want to discuss a very serious topic. You may have heard that in Uganda the government may be enforcing a Anti-homoxuality bill. I can not believe this might actually be happening. Even though Uganda is a less economically developed country, never would I have imagined that something like this would happen.
Not being allowed to marry is one thing, but an Anti-homosexuality bill is complete insanity.
Before I continue my rant on how awful it is, and why it's the most insane thing i've ever heard, I'll quickly explain what it is.
When enforced, this law will state that any homosexual who has been proven to be HIV-positive, are previous convicts or have been envolved in same-sex acts with under 18 year olds will be sentenced to death. Now, tell me, is that not the most insane thing you've ever heard?
A death penalty for homosexuals, this is complete madness! We (Enya, Hoba and I) are from a country where on the whole, homosexuals are accepted. Of course there are homophobics here, those people are to be found everywhere. But they have all the same rights here as straight couples do.
I am a straight female, but I believe in human rights and I think that it doesn't matter if you're gay, straight, bi, a mermaid or a marsian. Everyone is a human being and everyone should be treated equally.
And my biggest issue with anti-gay social/political/religious things are: If you don't like gays, don't hang out with them. You don't have to be gay yourself. Just don't get up in their business. They're not going to come looking for you, they mean you no harm. And if you do have a problem with people being gay, keep it to yourself. No one wants to hear it. It's a offensive and discriminating.
The argument i've heard a couple of times now is: "God didn't intend people to be gay." How do you know that? If you believe in God, that's fine. It's good to believe in something, whatever that may be. But if you strongly believe that everything is according to Gods will, then there would be no homosexuals. So your argument is invalid.
Like I said, being homophobic is one thing. But enforcing a death penalty is very, very extreme.
And yes, there are people who have sex with people who are underaged. This could either be by force or because that person is willing, either way it isn't any different than when a straight person does so.
Just because they are gay, which is clearly frowned upon in many countries, these people could be sentenced to death! And I know this country is less developed, but we live in the 21st century, even if you don't agree with homosexuality, for whatever reason, you have to agree that what may be about to happen is monstrous.
Anyway, you can sign petitions to stop this. Please do, it will only take a couple of seconds and you can save peoples lives!
So that was that. Thank you for reading, and I know this was a very serious topic but you know, sometimes you need to blow off some steam.
xx Eylinn
maandag 9 mei 2011
I apologize for quoting Rebecca Black's "Friday", but we truly are excited. At least I know I am. I'm pretty sure Hoba and Eylinn are as well and you should be excited too. I bet you know what I'm talking about...
I must admit, I might have been a little skeptical back in '09 when I found out POTC4 had been announced by Johnny Depp himself as Captain Jack Sparrow at the D23 Disney Fan Expo. But as I was looking at the actual footage, on youtube, of Jack Sparrow telling us his wonderful news, I found myself feeling butterflies in my tummy like I did when I was twelve years old. Yes, I had a major crush on Captain Jack Sparrow when I was twelve, get over it. He's hot, okay.
I thought I had gotten over him, I really did. I had stopped daydreaming about me running into Johnny Depp and getting a (lead-)role offered by him. As we were getting to know each other to prepare for the movie, he would give me private guitar lessons as well as one of his very own guitars. I really wanted to learn to play guitar back then.
I taught myself how to play guitar. Unfortunately, I never ran into Johnny.
So I thought I'd gotten over my crush for Captain Jack. But ever since I've seen the first trailer for the fourth installment of the Pirates-movies, the butterflies came back, one by one. For the past few weeks I've been too busy with school, testweeks, and then finally, being on vacation, to realise that we were getting really close the the premiere of POTC 4. As soon as I remembered POTC4 would premiere in May '11, which was yesterday, I called my homies to see when we would go see it. The date's set for next week's Thursday. I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep until then.
What makes this week even awesomer is the release of the Lonely Island's second album "Turtleneck & Chain", including a song (+ awesome videoclip) called "Jack Sparrow". It is awesome, but they should have called it "Captain Jack Sparrow" though.
donderdag 5 mei 2011
I laughed forever.
This amuses me way too much.......
xoxo Eylinn
ps. I realize it's Zac Efron AGAIN. But you gotta love this.
xoxo Eylinn
ps. I realize it's Zac Efron AGAIN. But you gotta love this.
donderdag 21 april 2011
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Awesome
I love to read and so do Eylinn and Hoba. My room is scattered with books and I carry a book with me where ever I go most of the times. I'm not sure though which one is my favorite. I love the Harry Potter-series. I even enjoy reading the Twilight-series. But only when I really miss my boyfriend, otherwise Bella's whining is too much. And, come on, who doesn't have a weak spot for sparkly vampires?

There's book called "Elsewhere". It's not very well-known, but it's awesome. It's about a teenaged girl, Liz, who dies in an accident and ends up in Elsewhere. Elsewhere is the place you go after you die, the afterlife, heaven. Elsewhere is just like Earth, only you get younger instead of ageing. When you turn zero, you are send back to Earth to reincarnate as a baby. She meets her grandmother there, who died when she was really young. She also meets her favorite rockstar, who's apparantly died of an overdose. Liz becomes obsessed with watching her family, friends and the guy who ran over her with his taxi cab through so-called "Observation Decks". She gets really depressed that she will never grow up, get her driver's license, fall in love, get married, etc. I won't tell you what happens in the end because YOU HAVE TO READ IT. Because it's awesome!
I also love the Princess Diaries-series by Meg Cabot. I basically love all books by Meg Cabot. And the The Luxe-series by Anna Godbersen. They are like the Gossip Girl books (also awesome) but then set in the late 19th century. I like bookseries more than just seperate books. I guess, because bookseries are just really thick books. And once I love a book or story, I don't want it to end.
I'm always looking for new books. "Marked" by Kristen and P.C. Cast has been laying on my bookshelf, waiting to be read. Too bad I have to read so many books for school... I hope you love the smell of books as much as I do. Then you must must must read Elsewhere (by Gabrielle Zevin). Oh, and while you're at it, you should really read the Sisterhood Of The Travelling Pants-series as well. Because they are awesome as well.
maandag 11 april 2011
My ray of sunlight
Let me introduce you to someone who often puts a smile on my face when I'm having an emo-day: Lord Voldemort. Not the actual Voldemort, but the Voldemort from twitter. I mean, I'm not saying that's not the real Voldemort, cos that would be awesome because then the whole Harry Potter-world would really exist. But then again, it would also be kind of sad, because it would mean that I'm not a witch. Unfortunatly I haven't received an invitation to Hogwarts back when I was eleven.
Anywhoodle, I was talking about Lord_Voldemort7. I'm not promoting him/her, I've never spoken to him/her, I'm just saying he/she is awesome. And I'm hoping she's a girl. She probably is because she knows everything about Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus and she's probably following oceanup.com as well. Or maybe it's the real Voldy. That would be funny, Voldemort reading oceanup.
So everyone, from the Netherlands to the U.S.A., go follow Lord_Voldemort7 because he'll brighten up your world.
P.S. Today was the first day I wore shorts to school this year. It was awesome.
Anywhoodle, I was talking about Lord_Voldemort7. I'm not promoting him/her, I've never spoken to him/her, I'm just saying he/she is awesome. And I'm hoping she's a girl. She probably is because she knows everything about Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus and she's probably following oceanup.com as well. Or maybe it's the real Voldy. That would be funny, Voldemort reading oceanup.
So everyone, from the Netherlands to the U.S.A., go follow Lord_Voldemort7 because he'll brighten up your world.
P.S. Today was the first day I wore shorts to school this year. It was awesome.
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